Do you have a hero that lives in your heart that you strive to be like every day? Having role models, and ‘giant’ people in our lives is crucial to the emotional and spiritual growth of every human. The Torah offers a wide array of individuals who not only have blazed the path for a thriving Judaism but whose qualities and potential reside within each and every one of us. It’s time to get to know our own fathers, mothers, and heroic leaders of our past.
We're excited to introduce Hebrew School of the Arts 2024-2025!
Through various forms of art; drama, music, cooking, and other engaging activities, your child will have a blast while developing a sense of Torah values, heritage, community, and Jewish pride. Last year we focused on Jewish history- this year we are excited to reveal our incredible curriculum covering unique Jewish heroes of our past.
We will travel back thousands of years get to know our three Fathers and four Mothers, moving down the timeline to Joshua, Devorah the Prophetess, King David, King Solomon, Shimshon the Giant, Elijah, Daniel, Rashi, Maimonides and many more.
We will also feature a competitive and exciting track of JewQ for qualified students. An extra curricular- JewQ provides more opportunities for learning and growing. With tests, gameshows and Shabbatons, the children feel motivated and proud to own their Torah studies!
We will cover the Jewish holidays and prepare your children to tap into the energy of each one. From Rosh Hashana to Yom Kippur, Tu B'Shvat to Chanukah, Purim to Pesach, we don't miss a beat!
Children ages 5-13 are welcome to register.
The prayers we begin with in September will slowly build up until your child can comfortably recite:
Modeh Ani
Hareini Mekabel
Blessing of the Torah
Blessings for vision, health, clothing and food
Asher Yatzar
Ma Tovu
Adon Olam
Ein Kelokeinu