Discover your roots through Torah Study classes in a wide range of topics.
Mission Statement
The Sara Tugman Bais Chabad Torah Center is passionately dedicated to offering all its members, and to the West Bloomfield/Detroit Jewish community at large, the opportunity to grow in their knowledge of Judaism and Jewish scholarship. No prior knowledge or background is required for any courses (unless noted).

Torah-study every day is crucial to life itself. This applies not only to the soul of the one studying but also to the souls of his family. For then [through Torah-study], the atmosphere of the home becomes an atmosphere of Torah and piety. --The Lubavitcher Rebbe

Please browse through the many options of classes and find one that suits your educational, social and spiritual needs. Can't find what you're looking for? Let us know, we will do our best to accommodate you.


These classes are dedicated to the loving memory of Jerry Pollack who understood the value of time and dedicated his every waking moment to accomplishment, helping others, and studying Torah. We feel privileged to have known a character of such great depth and kindness and know that our Torah study in his name would make him proud.

Upcoming Events
There are no events posted at this time. Please contact us for more info about our events.